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Bank of England (incl APF): Gross debt: £m CP NSA
PS: Net Investment (exc PS Banks) as a % of GDP: CPNSA
CG: Changes in net debt (exc NRAM and B&B, Network Rail): £m CPNSA
CG: Current expenditure:Net social benefits: Social assistance (D623): £m CPNSA
CG: Reconciliation adjustments: Other: £m CPNSA
Financing of CGNCR: BGS
CG: Interest payable excluding capital uplift on index linked gilts: £m CPNSA
BoE: Interest & dividends (net) from public sector: £m CPNSA
Pub Sect: Assets: Non-life insurance technical reserve assets (AF.61) :NSA:£m
PC: Total net investment: £m CPNSA