Methodology related to environmental accounts

  • Environmental accounts on the environmental goods and services sector (EGSS) QMI

    Methodology | Released on 20 August 2024

    Quality and Methodology Information for environmental goods and services sector statistics, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: renewable, environment, circular economy, trade, green economy

  • Environmental protection expenditure (EPE) accounts QMI

    Methodology | Released on 19 August 2024

    Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) report for environmental protection expenditure accounts estimates, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used, and data uses and users.

    Keywords: pollution, waste, wastewater, climate, air

  • Environmental accounts on environmental taxes QMI

    Methodology | Released on 19 August 2024

    Quality and methodology information for environmental taxes statistics, detailing the strengths and limitations of the data, methods used and data uses and users.

    Keywords: taxes, revenue, environment, climate change, green

  • Measuring UK greenhouse gas emissions

    Methodology | Released on 26 June 2024

    Summary of the three measures of UK greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: territorial, residence and footprint.

    Keywords: Net zero, environment, global warming, carbon footprint

  • Natural Capital

    Methodology | Released on 15 May 2024

    An overview of the Office for National Statistics and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs natural capital project and all related publications.

    Keywords: DEFRA

  • Woodland natural capital accounts methodology guide, UK: 2024

    Methodology | Released on 15 May 2024

    How the natural capital ecosystem service accounts are measured for the woodland habitat.

    Keywords: Environment, ecosystem, , nature

  • Developing estimates of green jobs in the UK

    Methodology | Released on 14 March 2024

    Experimental estimates of green jobs in the UK, detailing the methods used, strengths and limitations of the data, and future developments. These are official statistics in development.

    Keywords: beyond gdp, net zero, employees, industry, environment

  • Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy (LCREE) Survey QMI

    Methodology | Released on 19 February 2024

    Quality and Methodology Information for the Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy (LCREE) Survey, detailing methods used, data it provides, and strengths and limitations.

    Keywords: Green jobs, imports, exports, employees, capital investment

  • UK natural capital accounts methodology guide: 2023

    Methodology | Released on 27 November 2023

    Methods to calculate natural capital ecosystem service accounts that estimate habitat extent, ecosystem services and asset value in the UK.

    Keywords: environmental, resource rent, habitat, provisioning, asset

  • Estimates of UK quarterly greenhouse gas emissions (residence basis) QMI

    Methodology | Released on 3 November 2023

    Quality and Methodology Information for experimental estimates of UK quarterly greenhouse gas emissions, detailing methods used, data it provides, and strengths and limitations

    Keywords: Carbon dioxide, Climate change, Beyond GDP, Environment